Saturday, 24 January 2015

Bread rolls

Portions 6

This is more of a sweet tasting bread roll that I think works well with soup especially. You can alter the ingredients to suit your fancy I.E removing the milk powder and sugar and margarine and go for a more basic yeast tasting roll.


240g strong flour
8g milk powder
Pinch of salt
8g castor sugar
15g margarine
15g yeast
1/4 pint of water 


Preheat your oven to 190C 

1. Sieve your flour into a large mixing bowl then add your salt, milk powder and sugar to it.

2. Rub the margarine into your dried mixture until resembling fine breadcrumbs.

3. Create a bay in the centre of your mixture. And in another bowl place your yeast into Luke warm water and mix together until yeast dissolves.

4. Add this to your flour and fat mixture, combine well.

5. Knead your mixture into a smooth non-sticky type dough. And the it becomes elastic.

6. Once your have achieved this place back into the bowl and cover with a sheet of cling film good and tight over the bowl and leave in a warm place until it doubles in size usually about 30-35 minutes for me. 

7. After proving take out of your bowl gently and knock back the dough (removing air from the dough but do this gently).

8. Then divide the dough into 6 amounts and roll into a ball using the palm and heel of your hand.

9. Place on a greased and flours baking tray big enough to accommodate your dough with place of space for it to spread and grow in the oven.

9. Before you bake cover the rolls over with a damp tea towel and allow to double in size again. Once this happens  give a light coat d milk over the tops of the dough rolls but not over the sides as it will not rise in the oven. Then you may bake. For 30 minutes, or until golden brown in colour and sounds hollow when tapping the underside of the roll. 

Allow to cool.

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